Thursday, August 24, 2006


This is really fun. I get to write and see what I have written published on the world wide web for the whole world to read!!! OOOOh- that's a scary thought. But it will keep me from writing anything that might be considered inappropriate!! And besides, I have always wanted to be able to share my story and prayerfully hope that other women can learn from my mistakes. Angie at Carolina Rags is too kind and always tells me what wisdom I have. I don't know that it is wisdom particularly, but I have learned from my experiences and am happy to share what I have learned with other women, in hopes that they can be inspired and encouraged to keep on keeping on. We just have to keep pressing on and pressing into God. He is our only hope.

I also have been doing some exploration on this website and have found the Dashboard and was able to delete my double post and edit my other posts and change the titles so they didn't look all alike. Thanks to Monica at The Homespun Heart for helping me with that. Maybe I will be able to figure out some of the other things as well.

I am going to try figure out the hyperlinks as my next mini-blog project!!! As well as continue to write more of my testimony. Maybe I will try to upload a picture of me as well.

Here's to Happy Blogging!!!

PS. I think I was successul with the hyperlinks. That was really easy!!! This really is a fun way to do a web page.


Angie said...

You are very wise. Don't short change yourself, I think you have so much to offer and I am thankful that you have offered it to me!
Hope you are having a very blessed day!

Monica Wilkinson said...

Hi Debi! So glad you are having fun with your blog! It has been a great way for me to make some new and wonderful friends! :) Have a great weekend!